Qur'an Memorization Course:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "يقال لصاحب القرآن: اقرأ وارتقِ ورتل كما كنت ترتل في الدنيا، فإن منزلتك عند آخر آية تقرؤها".
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "The one who was devoted to the Qur'an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: 'Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite."
Wether you aim to memorize the entire Quran , specifiec portions , short surahs or even you wish your children to be a Hafiz TANZEEL UL KITAB Qur'an memorization course designed to help you memorize and recite the Qur'an by heart proficiently .
TANZEEL UL KITAB is your best guidence during your memorization ( Hifz) journey . Our expert and certified Azhari tutors will be with you step by step till you achieve your goal and memorize the whole Qur'an .
In TANZEEL UL KITAB Memorization course the student learn:
★ Different techniques for memorizing Qur'an easily,suits all ages. ★ Pronouncing verses accurately.
★Learnig Tajweed rules . ★ Learning the general meaning of theVerses.
★Regular revisions , to ensure the memorization process. ★ Learning the reasons for revealing the verses
★Meaning of some verses and the reason for their revelation.
Enroll Now and Enjoy the journey of Memorizing Qur'an With an Azhari certified Tutors.
Start from 40$ a month